Saturday, 6 July 2013

Having the Spartan Mindset

What do you know of them?  Possibly the movie 300…Or maybe that iconic helmet?
Well, this article will give you the low-down on the Spartan race, and why we should have their mentality in many aspects of life. 

The life of a Spartan started the moment you were born.  Imagine a new-born baby then being bathed in wine rather than water.   Crazy you might say, but this tradition helped soldiers determine whether a baby would be weak by it’s reaction; if it was, the baby’s fate was sealed: To be thrown off a cliff or it would become a slave.  Now that’s harsh, (lets not take this mentality-that would be quite unethical to say the least), but this is where it started, and it is essentially why the Spartan army was rarely ever defeated.  Welcome to the warrior state of Sparta!

Boys were trained from the age of 7.  A mother’s softening touch was considered detrimental to the boy’s character; the Spartans were to show no sign of weakness.  For the next 11 years, they endured tough physical challenges and were deprived of food, living primarily on rations given to them by the army.  This forced them to hunt to steal; an act which if caught, they would be severely punished, not for stealing (this was a positive), but for getting caught!  Now tell me about brutality.  If there was any society which knew how to harden a mind, and strengthen a will, it was the Spartans.  There was a famous story reported in Sparta, where a child from the barracks had stolen a small wild fox.  He was stopped by suspicious soldiers who questioned him.  Rather than admit his guilt, he left the small fox under his shirt.  As the soldiers surrounded him, the fox chewed at his stomach, but the little child showed no sign of pain on his face; he would rather endure excruciating agony, rather than be caught. 

Surrender in battle was the ultimate disgrace for the Spartan soldier.  He was taught to fight without fear, and to the last man.  Even the mothers would say to their sons, “Return with your shield or on it”; a chilling reminder that he should honour his family, and complete his duty as a citizen of the powerful state. 

This hardened mentality shows no sign of weakness, and it is one of the essential keys to overcoming your opponents.  The sheer willpower required to persevere in the toughest situations is immense, and is something which is built up over time.  Showing no fear in the face of your enemies will undoubtedly give you the edge in whatever it is you wish to excel.  And do excel at it. Push your body to the limits; don’t you want to find out what you are capable of? Half-efforts produce half-results; it’s almost better to not do anything than give 50 %, because at least then, you’ve made a commitment.   It is only a mentality like this which can take you to the next level.  And it simply comes down to that ‘extra’ training and commitment. 

What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary? It’s just the ‘extra’.  Was it the altitude training that helped the British coxless four win the Olympic Gold Medal? Is it LeBron James’ extra hours of preparation which make him the best basketball player in the world?  Is it Usain Bolt’s excessive consumption of the yam which gives him those little extra energy requirements to knock more second off the 100 m world record?

Who knows, but what it is, is a mindset which is in line with the Spartans.  Only a relentless 120 % will cut it when 0.1 seconds is the difference between first and second.  Only the mentality to ‘go hard or go home’ is acceptable, if the desire to really succeed is there.  After all, it is this which caused 300 Spartans to hold off the 300,000 Persians for 3 days. What does it take?  Outworking your opponents, and showing no fear; attack your opposition like you own that gold medal.

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